For more information about any of these please contact the Parish Administrator who will put you in touch with the relevant person.
Currently most of our activities are online
Junior Church meets at 10am on the 4th Sunday of the month, in the Leverton Hall. Gallery
Messy Church: What is it ? What are its values? Gallery
Choir practice is on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm. Contact Rev Jacqueline if interested.
House Bible study groups meet fortnightly in the evenings or monthly in the daytime. Contact Rev Jacqueline if interested. There are seasonal study groups during Lent and Advent
The WreccleshamEco- Group meets as required and has members from St. Peter’s and the wider community
There are frequent social and fundraising events through the year, including the Wrecclesham Village Fete on the last Sunday in June – for more details see the News and Events pages
The Leverton Hall behind the church hosts a wide range of activities from exercise classes to whist evenings and interest group meetings and is available for private hire.