If you are new to Wrecclesham, or are thinking of coming along to see us at St Peter’s, you may have a few questions and hopefully you will find the answers below. If not, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the email form here, where you will also find a map of our location.
Can I park at St Peter’s church?
There are a few spaces in the lay-by in Beales Lane, otherwise parking is on School Hill.
How many people come to services?
There are usually around 50 adults, plus children. Children have their own activities to do during part of the Communion services, but they are also welcome to stay with the main congregation throughout.
Do children take Communion at your church?
At the moment children do not share the Communion bread and wine, but if your child is used to taking Communion at another church, they are very welcome to do so here.
Is there a dress code at your services?
No – we are a relaxed church family and aim to offer a warm welcome to everyone, please come as you are.
Do you have provision for the hard of hearing and partially-sighted?
There is a hearing loop in the church building and there is signing in some services, on an informal basis. Large print editions of the Orders of Service are available at the door.
How will I know what to do during a service?
Each service has an Order of Service sheet, sentences in bold type are where everyone joins in, if they wish. We sit or kneel to pray and stand to sing. We stand for the Gospel reading, which generally follows a hymn. During a Communion service, we usually stand for the section of the service which leads up to communion, but it’s fine to sit at any time if that is more comfortable for you. Don’t worry if you get things wrong from time to time, so do we. Generally just keep an eye on what everyone else is doing and do the same
What sort of music do you have?
We are very lucky to have a full pipe-organ and a choir. Most of our hymns are traditional and will probably be familiar. The choir sings an anthem during Communion. New choir members are always welcome!
Do you collect money during services?
A collection towards the costs of running the church is taken during one of the hymns. At some services (e.g. Harvest festival, the Christmas Carol service) there are special collections for particular charities.
How long are your services?
Communion services last about an hour, informal services are shorter. Our 10am services are followed by refreshments in the Leverton Hall.
Are there different sorts of services?
Every Sunday at 8am there is a traditional service of Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer. At 10am there is either a Parish Communion (using the more modern Common Worship) which happens on the second, fourth and fifth, when there is one, Sunday of the month or a Family Communion (1st Sunday in the month) which is more informal and where the children take a more active part, or an All-age worship service (which does not include Communion) on the third sunday of each month. These can alter at special times such as Christmas and Easter.
Can I get married at St Peter’s?
Detailed information about getting married at St Peter’s is here. You do not have to be baptised to be married in church.