Sunday Services
8.00 am Holy Communion (traditional using 1662 Book of Common Prayer)
10.00 am Main Service (modern service using Common Worship)
On the First Sunday in every month
09 45 am – Coffee and catch up in church.
10.15 am Junior Church starts in the Leverton Hall.
10.30 am Communion for All Ages begins, with children joining for Communion.
On the Second and Fourth/Fifth Sundays
10.00 am Parish Communion
On the Third Sunday in every month
10.00 am — Informal Service without Communion
Children are welcome at all services and there is Junior Church on the first Sunday each month.
Morning Prayer – 9:30am on Wednesdays, on Zoom.
If you, or someone you know, would like a lift to one of our services,
please contact the Parish Administrator